You may now select graph background color, fill color, frame color, and frame thickness.
Graph legends, and text object boxes, now feature user-specified fill color, frame color, and frame thickness.
Font face, text color, and text style (bold, italic, underline, strikeout) choice has been extended to all text in graphs, including legend, axes, and text objects.
Axes options allow for any combination of axes to be displayed with user-specified line widths.
Grid line characteristics (color, width, pattern) may now be specified by the user.
The data portion of a graph may now be indented horizontally and/or vertically within the graph frame using user-selected increments.
The background color in a graph may now be printed and exported with the graph.
Global defaults have been extended to support all of the new appearance settings.
Both global and individual graph object defaults may be updated using templates.
Individual defaults allow you to specify the settings for new text, line, and shade objects added to an existing graph object. For text, you may specify font options (font name, size, style, and color), and the fill and frame color to be used when the text is enclosed in a box. For lines or shades, you may specify color, width, and pattern.
Tools for Creating Workfile Pages from Identifiers
Extended tools to work with identifier series located in multiple pages, allowing you easily to create new pages structured using the values found in series or to form pages by crossing the unique values from two identifier series, or by crossing the unique values from a single identifier series with a date frequency and range. You may use these tools to create a new workfile page structured using: (1) the union of unique ID values from one more more pages; (2) the intersection of unique ID values from mulitple pages; (3) the cross of the unique values of two ID series, or (4) the cross of a single ID series with a date range.
Panel and Pool Equation Specification Testing
The following specification tests have been added in panel or pool equations estimation:
LR-type testing for omitted or redundant regressors in panel and pool equations specified by list. The omitted variable test enables you to add a set of variables to an existing panel or pool equation, and to ask whether the set makes a significant contribution to explaining the variation in the dependent variable. The redundant variables test allows you to test for the statistical significance of a subset of the variables included in your panel or pool equation.
Redundant fixed effects testing for panel and pool equations estimated by ordinary linear and nonlinear least squares evaluates the statistical significance of the estimated fixed effects.
Hausman random effects testing evaluates the restriction that the random effects are uncorrelated with the explanatory variables. The test statistic evaluates the closeness of the coefficients from a random effects pool equation to the corresponding fixed effects specification.
EcoWin Database Support
EViews 5.1 Enterprise Edition now supports direct access to on-line EcoWin databases. The EViews EcoWin interface provides the following features:
An interactive graphical window attached to an EcoWin database allowing for browsing of series in the database, selection of series, and copying/exporting of series into an EViews workfile or another EViews database.
A set of commands to perform tasks such as fetching a particular series by mnemonic from a selected EcoWin database. These tools may be used interactively or within EViews user-written programs.
The copy command has been enhanced, and now supports copying objects between named workiles and workfile pages. If copying series into a workfile page, EViews allows for automatic frequency conversion and match merging of the data in the series to the new workfile page frequency or structure.
An equation forecast option allows you to ignore coefficient uncertainty when computing the forecast standard error.
ARCH equations now allow you to view conditional variances as well as conditional standard deviations. In addition, you may now display and save the permanent component of the GARCH conditional variances in component models.
A new global option allows you to set the default maximum number of errors in program execution.