The process of building a projector or screen saver with SWF Studio is as simple as building your Flash file (SWF), dropping it in SWF Studio, selecting your options (or keeping the defaults) and clicking
Build. Some nice built in features include:
- Expiry
- Icon inclusion
- Versioning
- Extendable Plugin Structure
In the previous version of SWF Studio, all interactions that are outside the normal scope of Flash and ActionScript (ie File I/O, FTP, HTTP) were handled by SWF Studio and their plugins through
fscommand(). This was a difficult way to get things done because the commands would send information back to a variable and you had to write code to watch that variable to see when data was returned. In this version, there is no more need for fscommands. But before you get to happy, the new way of doing commands will require some rethinking and planning.