Tuesday, January 8, 2008
OriginLab OriginPro v8.0 SR1
Origin 8 includes a suite of features that cater to the needs of scientists and engineers alike. Multi-sheet workbooks, publication-quality graphics, and standardized analysis tools provide a tightly integrated workspace for you to import data, create and annotate graphs, explore and analyze data, and publish your work.
To ensure that Origin meets your data analysis requirements, intuitive tools for advanced statistics, regression, nonlinear curve fitting, signal processing, image processing and peak analysis are built-in. Since any analysis operation can be set to automatically recalculate, you can reuse your projects as templates for future work, thereby simplifying your daily routine.
Origin’s new multi-sheet workbooks with rich-text formatting let you consolidate and manage imported data, images, database queries, related analysis results and graphs.
Graphs, images, and notes can be embedded in worksheet cells, facilitating better project organization, documentation and report generation.
Quickly review the profile of each dataset by glancing at its sparkline1 at the top of each worksheet column.
Sheets can be dragged and dropped to easily reorganize the active workbook, or to place into another workbook.
Create column formulas that operate on any dataset within the Origin project using built-in mathematical and statistical functions or LabTalk statements that call X-Functions. The column formulas can be set to automatically recalculate the results whenever the source data is changed.
Getting your data into Origin is easy–you can access your data from a broad range of sources by either importing data files, using SQL database queries, or directly opening Microsoft® Excel workbooks. Import file formats include ASCII, ETAS Inca, imc Mess-Systeme GmbH - FAMOS, MDS Analytical Technologies (Molecular Devices) pCLAMP®, Mathematica®, MATLAB®, MINITAB®, National Instruments™ LabVIEW®, DIAdem™ DAT and TDM/TDMS, Princeton Instruments, and Thermo® SPC data files or you can program your own.
For ASCII files with header information or binary files of known structure, an Import Wizard with data preview lets you instruct Origin on how to parse and import your data. Import filters can be saved and used in the future with similar data.
You can either import Excel files into Origin’s new workbook, or open Excel files directly within Origin.
The pCLAMP import routine lets you import multiple files and includes the ability to select which channels (by name) and/or episodes (by number) to import. After importing, each worksheet column can display a sparkline so that you can quickly see the dataset profiles.
Metadata, such as file name, creation date, path, and extracted variables, is stored with the imported data and can be accessed in the Workbook Organizer. You can even add your own metadata.
Publication Quality Graphs
Origin’s wide array of 2D, 3D, statistical and contour graph types can be created with the click of a button. You can even instantly add a data plot to an existing graph using drag-and-drop from any worksheet or Excel workbook.
All elements of your graph can be customized using point-and-click interfaces, enabling you to format your graph as you desire. Formatting in a graph can be copied from one graphical element and pasted onto another or saved as a theme and applied later. A Theme Organizer lets you manage built-in and saved themes as well as apply them to your graphs or set a system theme. In addition, your customized graphs can be saved as graph templates in order to create additional graphs of the same style. The ability to create themes, as well as graph templates, can significantly save time when creating, and recreating, custom presentation quality graphs.
Easily add your Origin worksheets, results sheets, or graphs to technical publications, slide shows, posters, or lab reports.
Copy your graph, and paste or paste-link in PowerPoint®, CorelDraw®, Microsoft® Word, or any other OLE 2 application. Export your graph to a wide variety of formats including favorites such as AI, BMP, EPS, JPG, PDF, TIFF, WMF, and many more. Make graph attribute changes for the exported graph without modifying the original using the Graph Export dialog.